
I'm Perfect.   

“This year, I resolve to…”

Every new year, it’s the same thing. Lasts for a few weeks, and then the resolve fades away into nothing, until it’s that time of the (new) year again. Be it, ‘I will shop less’, or ‘I will go to the gym 5 times a week’, or ‘I will not bite my nails’…. the list continues. I gave up making resolutions about three years ago, just because, well, it seemed pointless.

Not this year. This year, I decided I might as well do the whole shebang. Why not? Worst-case, I don’t keep the resolution, and so, I become another statistic. It’s a chance I’m willing to take….

So here it goes: This year, I am going to read a hundred books! Yes, I know. That’s about a book every 3.6 days. And yes, I’m aware that’s a tough challenge, but I’m inspired by some of the people at librarything, and I really do enjoy reading, and god knows, there are actually enough good books out there to read. I did about 62 last year, so….

Anyone fancy joining me? Or, recommending some good books? 


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