Archive for the ‘Booker Prize Longlist’ Category

I wasn’t planning on reading the entire Booker long list, prior to the short list being announced. However, there were a couple of books that intrigued me, and Sarah Hall’s How To Paint A Dead Man was one of them. Initially, I was torn between Heliopolis (James Scudamore) and this one, but, I held both […]

I almost bought this book two months back, but, for some unexplainable reason, I didn’t. About a week back, I found the first edition signed hardback in a second-hand bookstore, and literally jumped with glee. Saying buying this for £2.50 is a bargain is an understatement of sorts. The Wilderness follows the story of Jake, […]

Catherine O’ Flynn’s much acclaimed debut novel probably has one of the most fascinating opening chapters I’ve ever read, which revolves around Kate Meaney, a ten year old aspiring detective. Following Kate, and her ‘partner’ Mickey (a soft toy),  through her ‘stakeouts’ as she looks for ‘suspicious’ people, simultaneously trying to determine their possible motives, […]

War destroys all that is left of innocence. It pulls people together, and it drives them apart. People are left asking questions, as they pine for their loved ones, as they try and contemplate the horrors of war, and as they struggle to survive – just so that they can see a better day. And […]