Archive for the ‘Richard & Judy Book Group’ Category

In January 2009, I was introduced to the wonderful world of David Mitchell by a friend, who lent me the surreal number9dream – a book I absolutely loved. She proceeded to lend me Cloud Atlas next, and it’s been sitting abandoned on my unread shelf for about a year now, as I’ve been reluctant to pick […]

Girl, Missing is a story about Lauren, a fourteen year old, who lives in London with her parents. She knows she is adopted, and when she is forced to deliberate on “Who am I?” as part of her school homework, her curiosity in her past increases threefold. Logging on to a website,, she finds […]

Set in Papua New Guinea, in the 1990s, this book is narrated by Matilda, an adolescent, who witnesses the horrors of civil war first hand. The book opens with many people fleeing the island, and it being lost to the outside world, as the ‘redskins’ (the government soldies) and the ‘rambos’ (rebels) advances. One white […]

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare: their two year old daughter being diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia, and no one in the family being a bone-marrow match. They can go on the ‘list’, for an unknown donor, but, the odds of finding the perfect match are scarce. So, they have another baby. Nope, not […]

This is Sebold’s debut novel, and while there’s lots of loopholes in the story, the premise in itself is interesting. A 14 year old girl is raped and killed by a neighbor on her way home from school, one evening. In the story, the girl, Susie Salmon (the book does start: My name was Salmon, […]