Archive for the ‘Commonwealth Writers Prize’ Category

As some of you may already know, I’m not a big fan of short stories. So, when I started this collection, I was almost prepared to be underwhelmed and dissatisfied. Yet, I had heard wonderful things about Munro, and figured I really should give at least one collection a try. Worst case, I’ll shelve it […]

Set in Papua New Guinea, in the 1990s, this book is narrated by Matilda, an adolescent, who witnesses the horrors of civil war first hand. The book opens with many people fleeing the island, and it being lost to the outside world, as the ‘redskins’ (the government soldies) and the ‘rambos’ (rebels) advances. One white […]

This is the final post on the Weekly Geeks Q&A from 13th June. It’s taken me about a month to ‘catch up’, and I will still have a trilogy to go. As I’m planning on re-reading His Dark Materials in August, I’ll hold off until then. Yes, I tend to procrastinate ever so often. I […]

I’m still playing catch-up on 13th June’s Weekly Geeks. I know, I know, it’s been about a month, and that’s ample time to catch up! However, after this, I’ll just have two more to do: Disgrace, and His Dark Materials. Am planning to re-read the latter this month, so might end up doing that one […]

War destroys all that is left of innocence. It pulls people together, and it drives them apart. People are left asking questions, as they pine for their loved ones, as they try and contemplate the horrors of war, and as they struggle to survive – just so that they can see a better day. And […]

This book is not in the same league as A Fine Balance, or even, for that matter, Family Matters. However, the more I think about this book, the more I appreciate it. Mistry has this amazing knack of bringing to life a realistic Indian society, and how they handle various crises and catastrophes that life […]