Archive for the ‘Challenges 2010’ Category

Sarah Waters’ The Night Watch is the third novel I’ve read by her, and it’s as different as the previous two as it can be. While one was a gothic ghost story set in Warwickshire (The Little Stranger), the other was a Victorian thriller (Fingersmith). And then we have this: a book set (mostly in) […]

In January 2009, I was introduced to the wonderful world of David Mitchell by a friend, who lent me the surreal number9dream – a book I absolutely loved. She proceeded to lend me Cloud Atlas next, and it’s been sitting abandoned on my unread shelf for about a year now, as I’ve been reluctant to pick […]

Terry Pratchett’s Equal Rites is the third book of the Discworld series, and, it’s the first Discworld book that I have read. Equal Rites explores the world where women cannot be wizards, and men cannot be witches. However, when a dying wizard visits a blacksmith, things in the wizarding world are about to change. The […]

The Complete Booker originated in 2007, to bring together book lovers and book bloggers interested in reading winners of The Man Booker Prize for Fiction. Next year, they’re hosting the Complete Booker in 2010 Challenge, with five levels of participation: Winners Circle:  read at least 6 winners Contender:  read at least 6 shortlisted nominees Longshot: read at […]

Background: While this month, my blog entries seem to be focused a lot on the Take A Chance challenge, it’s only because the challenge is up end of month, and I am actually trying to finish it. After this, I only have one more challenge to tackle, and I’ve already started the final book (David […]

Mish @ Stage and Canvas is hosting the Sci-fi challenge, which basically encourages the participants to read “3.14 or 8 sci-fi books from August 28 2009 to August 8 2010”. I quite enjoy sci-fi, despite it not being a genre that seems to feature a lot on this blog. So, taking on this challenge makes […]