Musing Mondays – Time


This week’s Musing Mondays asks:

Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading

I normally read while commuting to/from work, which is about two hours a day. While this is more-or-less okay, it gets tough if I’m reading a page-turner, or, if I really want to finish the book. If I have enough time to play with in the morning, sometimes, I find myself wandering over to a cafe, to read while having my morning coffee. Other times, I just keep giving my book wistful glances through the day…

Normally, I enter work, listening to music, my eyes glued to a book. While reading, I shrug off my overcoat, and pull out my ear phones, completely oblivious to the people around me ’til I finish the page/chapter. One morning, one of my colleagues greeted me with a ‘Morning, how goes’ about three times, before I even acknowledged him. I was slightly embarrassed!

I read a fair bit over weekends, and try and read a bit before sleeping, every night. However, sometimes, I’m too tired to think, and just want to slip into dreamland, as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I guess, for an avid reader, I don’t read as oft’ as I’d like to. I do try and make up for this during my vacation days, where I get through a book a day (obviously depending on the location, and the books I’m carrying). Just re-reading this post, and I feel quite guilty. I really should set aside some more time for reading. Oh well…

How about you? When do you read the most? And where? Do you occasionally find that you have to make more time to read? Or, are you happy with the time you devote to reading?

11 Responses to “Musing Mondays – Time”

  1. 1 thebluestockingguide

    Yeah I read while commuting to work as well. here is mine

  2. 2 Elena

    Haha I know what you mean about the dangers of page-turners while commuting – I was finishing off Mrs. Dalloway on a plane home yesterday afternoon and I was in the aisle seat – the couple sitting next to me got very annoyed that I wasn’t moving so they could get their bags from the overhead, but I just couldn’t stand to move until I’d finished off the final 3 pages.

    And I have missed my bus stop in the past due to an engrossing read… I can only read on a bus if I sit near the front though.

  3. Aww, sorry to make you feel guilty :)

    I used to read on the bus to and from uni every day. Not having that anymore is probably the only thing I dislike about having a car.

  4. 4 judys424

    I used to read while commuting but I got dizzy as I grew older.
    Happy Monday :)

  5. 5 uncertainprinciples

    @Elena: lol, I can see why that can be a problem… specially the last three pages of the book. To be honest, I would have probably done the same. :) I’m weird on planes like that – if I’m sitting in the first few rows, I want to get out asap. If I’m not, then I’m more than happy to continue reading, while the folks ahead of me are taking about an hour and a half to get out, much to the chagrin of the passengers on the same row as me, who aren’t on the aisle seat.

    @Rebecca: That might be one of the reasons why I’m putting off learning to drive. That, and the fact that I’ll only end up going to think milkshake place, which is about ten minutes by car, thirty-five minutes by bus, every day!

    @bluestockingguide & judys424: Incredible how many people read while commuting, and how many books you might stumble upon, by just checking out the titles of books people are reading around you! As for getting dizzy – I have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t happen to me.

  6. 6 Melody

    I read while commuting as well! One of my best reading times! ;P

  7. I can read in a flight or train but while car or bus, I can’t.

    However, I can read any time!

    WG: Summer Fun

  8. Hi there!

    This is my first time at this meme – everyone seems to have written so much more than me!

    Here’s mine anyway!


  9. 10 Megan

    Aww, I know it sounds crazy — but I envy you that commute! When I was working in downtown D.C. I had plenty of time on the bus to read, but now I work very close to home and can only manage to squeeze in some reading hours before bed. Like you, I should really make more time for reading — I’m a total bibliophile! But lately it just hasn’t been happening. I’m going to the beach next week and hope to make my way through a few books then! :)

  10. 11 uncertainprinciples

    @Sassy Brit : thanks for stopping by! It’s quality, not quantity, and unfortunately… I have the gift of the gab, and just don’t know when to shut up.

    @Megan : I don’t think I’d end up reading even half as much as I do if it wasn’t for commuting. And this is coming from someone who says ‘reading was my first love’. I’m looking forward to taking a couple of vacations, and catching up on so many books that seem to be judging me, silently, because they’re still unread! Beach reading’s fun :))

    @Melody : Commuting and reading go together almost as well as cookies and ice-cream! Can’t imagine commuting for so long daily, without a book in my hand!

    @gautami tripathi : I feel really lucky that I can read on a bus/train/plane/car alike. I know people who can’t, and one of my aunts used to insist that if I read in a moving car/train, my eyes would go bad! Buuut… reading while commuting just makes so much sense!

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