Booking Through Thursday – Niche



There are certain types of books that I more or less assume all readers read. (Novels, for example.)

But then there are books that only YOU read. Instructional manuals for fly-fishing. How-to books for spinning yarn. How to cook the perfect souffle. Rebuilding car engines in three easy steps. Dog training for dummies. Rewiring your house without electrocuting yourself. Tips on how to build a NASCAR course in your backyard. Stuff like that.

What niche books do YOU read?

So, some of you might already know I’m a geek. Subsequently, this might not come as a very big surprise, but, please, bear with me. I’ve tried to make this post bright and colorful, with pictures, to make it slightly less ‘geeky’. Here goes… My ‘niche’ books are on…. Java! Nope, not coffee. Nope, not the island. Yes, you got it – the programming language.

Those are the books I have at hand right now, at home. While some of them are purely for reference, I do tend to read some of them, just to get a better understanding of the best coding practices. I absolutely hate EJB – and if you’ve ever had the traumatic experience of dealing with them, you’ll probably agree with me!

However, I’ve been teaching myself multithreading, and concurrency, in the recent past. Both important, right – I mean, you wouldn’t want a single-threaded application for everything, right? ‘Taming Java Threads’ is probably one of the best books I’ve ever read, both, in terms of understanding java threads, and in terms of best practices.

What remains one of my favorite things, is Spring! I’ve done a couple of really cool projects using the Spring framework, and I bought a book on it, just to see how it fits together. Now that I’m relatively comfortable with Spring, it’s time to move on to Hibernate?

Note: need to learn more about the Spring GUI framework as well. I did want to use that for something a year or so back, but it didn’t quite pan out. :(

Aside from java (and other geekery), I love reading books on:

  1. Photography
  2. Travel – either travel journals or travelogues
  3. Art (and Sculpture)
  4. Philosophy

How about you? Do you have a geek side? Or, are there any books that you tend to read which no one else around you does?

Happy Thursday, and roll on weekend.

5 Responses to “Booking Through Thursday – Niche”

  1. 2 Kat

    I’m not much into philosophy, but the other subjects I do read up on :D

  2. 3 Dot

    I wish I did know more about omputers but I can never get my head round all the jargon! Happy BTT!

  3. I wish I could understand Java, but it is all so greek to me. I have to use the html for the conceptually challenged when ever I try to update my blog. :)

  4. 5 uncertainprinciples

    @gautami tripathy : I half-envy you. Once you go over to the geek side, it’s hard to turn back!

    @Kat : I’m not a hard-core philosopher or anything, but, sometimes, I’m just fascinated by the writings of Plato and Socrates and the like, that I feel compelled to read more and more by them.

    @Dot : You, me, and everyone else! Every day, I stumble upon a new ‘computer term’, and can’t quite figure out what it means/does. (e.g. today, I came across something called ‘linked files’, and nope – it didn’t refer to symlinks!)

    @Robin : Haha, I know what you mean. While HTML now comes easy to me, my java programming is still occasionally cringe-worthy. It’s a really fun programming language though.

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